
In order to protect user privacy, all historical records are valid for 30 minutes,and can only be stored and viewed in the current browser.

View your temporary conversion history here.

No history found in the past 30 minutes


DLBunny download history is what you have previously downloaded from the homepage. It can be used to view and re-download previously generated video, audio or picture files.
In order to protect user privacy, all user download records are only valid for 30 minutes, and users can download files to local devices during this period.
Downloaded records are stored in the cache of the user's browser to ensure user privacy and data security.
You can find the "History" or "History Download History" link page on DLBunny's homepage, click on it to view your download history.
DLBunny's conversion history has no storage limit, but it automatically deletes expired content to make room for new content.
There are two possible reasons. First, your download record may have expired and been automatically deleted by the system. Secondly, you may not have performed any downloads yet. You can return to the home page to perform text parsing download, and then refresh the current page.